Richard L. Sprecker
A Midsummer Night's Dream
by William Shakespeare
Among Shakespeare's most memorable plays, this production set the scene in an abandoned theatre. An intreped explorer begins to poke about in the rubble, and suddenly the magic enters the space, and the story unfolds before her very eyes. As the faeries emerge, the magic overtakes the explorer and she becomes our Puck. Always a challenge to separate the worlds of magic and normalcy, this production was great fun.
UMKC Theatre, Studio Theatre 116
April 2010
Directed by Theodore Swetz
Scenic Design by Pan Leung
Lighting Design by Richard L. Sprecker
Sound Design by Merlin Alexandre James Salisbury
Music composed by Timothy Munger
Photography by Stacey Schmitz and Richard L. Sprecker

The magic world of our story.

The explorer discovers amazing things amongst the rubble of the theatre.

The story begins as they dance a dangerous dance with each other.

The faeries emerge from the darkness of the wood.

Oberon attempts to sway Titania.

Titania prepares to bed away, watched over by her fae court.

Oberon prepares to discover what the crazy lovers are up to in his world.

Helena dictates their folly to the bewitched men.

Puck transfixes one of the lovers with the magic of the flower.

The magic evening passes, the lovers sleep.

The Mechanical do discharge their story of lovers' woe.